Tips For The Very First Pregnancy Ultrasound Scan


Pregnancy ultrasound scan

It is absolutely normal to get nervous and confused before going for the first-ever pregnancy ultrasound scan. There wander so many questions related to the ultrasound scan if a woman is going to have a pregnancy ultrasound for the first time in her life. How to prepare for the ultrasound scan, what to wear, what to eat before the scan, what to do after the scan, all become a matter of concern to a woman. Hence, being the most recommended early pregnancy scan clinic in Reading, Window to the Womb would love to guide every mommy-to-be out there with some helpful tips.

Drink an ample amount of water

You need to make your bladder full in order to get the appropriate images of your baby. The more you would drink water, the more it would be easier for the expert sonographers to conduct the entire process of ultrasound and reflect the accurate most images on the screen. Hence, drink plenty of water before visiting your ultrasound scan clinic and make the ultrasound scan hassle-free and super quick.

Wear comfy clothes

Wear the dress in which you get the most comfort. Because, your pregnancy ultrasound scan is a bit time taking, and you need to wait for a while until your bladder becomes full. In such situations, wearing tight, body-hugging dresses that easily get uncomfortable sometimes is not a smart decision. Once, you start feeling uncomfortable, the process of your ultrasound scan can get hampered and the result can come inappropriately. Hence, dress up smartly before you leave for a pregnancy ultrasound scan.

Relax and take a deep breath during the time of ultrasound scan

Do not panic when the sonographer would conduct the process. The entire process of a pregnancy ultrasound is very easy. It would never be painful to you. Take a deep breath, relax, and enjoy your very first pregnancy ultrasound scan.

Go to the washroom when the ultrasound scan gets finished

When the entire process of ultrasound would be over, go to the washroom of the scan clinic and urinate. Do not wait for reaching your home and then going to the washroom. Keeping your bladder full for a longer period of time is not good both for you and for the baby.

We hope that with these four tips, your first-ever pregnancy ultrasound scan would be spontaneous and tension-free.

Make this experience a memorable one with Window to the Womb, the most reliable private ultrasound scan clinic in Reading.


  1. This was extremely helpful as not many people know these tips and you just can't ask anybody about such intimate things. A great read for women going for their first ultrasound scan.

  2. These tips will come extremely handy for newly pregnant women. Thank you!


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