How To Take Care Of A Newborn Baby When The Mother Tests Positive For Covid-19?

This covid-19 pandemic has become prominent since last year. We can still call it the newest addition to our life. In order to get a permanent solution, the research process is going on continuously. In this dire situation, taking care of an infant whose mother has been tested positive is a serious matter of concern. In this blog, the experts of Window to the Womb, which provides the best private ultrasound scan in Reading are going to offer some beneficial suggestions for taking care of a newborn kiddy when his/her mother is covid positive. 

Precautions to be taken when the mother tests positive: 

    I. Maintain a safe distance from your little one. The healthcare research team recommends that between you and your baby, there should be a minimum gap of 6 feet. 

    II. Do not forget to wear a mask whenever you need to carry your kiddy if urgency comes. Wearing a mask is a must at the time of breastfeeding.   

    III. Wash your hands with soap for 20 seconds before touching your baby. If soap and water are unavailable for that time, you must use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 70% of alcohol. 

    IV. Isolate yourself and try not to go near your baby for some days for the sake of your baby’s well-being. Ask other members of your family in order to take care of your child.  

 What to do after completing the quarantine period:

 Your quarantine period generally gets over after 10-12 days since the first emergence of the symptoms. After 10 days, you have to make sure that you do not have a fever anymore. At the same time, other signs of covid-19 should not at all develop inside your body again. After all these, the probability of circulating the virus to your baby from your side becomes zero. For that, you need to be 100% sure that you are no more carrying the germ.  But, one precaution you must continue to take up is washing your hand before touching your baby.  

The survey reports say that the covid-19 virus usually does not put the baby at a high risk when the mother tests positive. But there are exceptions too. Sometimes, some babies become covid positive immediately after their birth. Hence, taking proper care of the newborns during this horrendous pandemic is much essential. Take your doctor’s suggestion if you ever need any help. You can contact us for our expert opinion. At Window to the Womb, we are following all the guidelines of covid-19 and offering the supreme 4D well-being scan in Reading in this pandemic situation.


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